Friday 20 March 2009

Exercises to Keep Your Mouse From Biting You | Blogging and Technology - Tips and Techniques

Exercises to Keep Your Mouse From Biting YouIf you use your computer a lot and you are of that certain age, you recognize when your mouse is beginning to bite you.
It may be your mouse hand cramping, your lower or upper arm muscles, your shoulder, or perhaps the opposite shoulder knotting in sympathy.

Don't wait until you are suffering, try these hints to avoid "mouse shoulder" and its cousins.
1. Take a break every hour, if only for a minute. Many short breaks are more effective than a single longer one.
Read On Here: Exercises to Keep Your Mouse From Biting You | Blogging and Technology - Tips and Techniques

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Simple Health Exercises Core Training

The need for core training as you get past 50 years of age is a must do! … How do I no this? that’s simple because I’m now looking into the big 60 all of a sudden one day you wake up and for some unknown reason you seem not to moving as you were yesterday … then as you move around for the first few minutes from sliding awkwardly from your slumber space … you notice stiff parts of your body that one time you could have shaken off but no this stiffness feeling stays with you all day all week every month from there on unless you start and take some form of action in the way of EXERCISE … you must start to develop functional fitness.

Blimey you think have I now got to do EXERCISES the short answer is yes you have … so my friend here you are having read thus far and before you read any further let me share with you what you are about to receive in the way of good advice and encouragement is … this works better than any other form of exercises that you will ever stumble upon … how can I be so sure of telling this … well its Simple Health Exercises that are so fun fun fun to do …

Can you remember the twisting rage started in the 1960s by chubby Checker in those days gone by … well here’s his link to YouTube … click on it and try and stop your self wanting to get up off your backside and start dancing … then come back here puffing and panting take a deep breath and read on … we are talking here and core body exercises

Your core is where all movement in your body originates. The core muscles of your body are your center of gravity. Strong core muscles - abdominal, back and pelvis - provide support to your spine for everything from walking, lifting and standing to sitting.

Simple Health Exercises Core Training is essential to sports performance your every day activities and injury prevention. The body's core muscles are the foundation for all other movement. The muscles of the torso stabilize the spine and provide a solid foundation for movement in the extremities.

After searching for a easier way of training the muscles of the core also correcting postural imbalances that can quickly lead to injuries. The biggest benefit of simple health exercises core training is to develop functional fitness - that is, fitness that is essential to both daily living and regular activities especially after you turn 50 years of age.

Strong core muscles are the foundation for sustaining health and fitness, however they are often neglected. Most people have weak core muscle, which are the cause of many injuries, poor posture and lower back pain and injury.

Core muscles are the transverse abdominis (3rd, 4th, and 5th muscles, posterior torso), the Perineil muscle floor (lower torso), and the Gluteal muscle complex (minimus, medius and maximus, anterior torso).

Core muscles act in unison as a girdle for the torso. They are also the primary stabilizers of the spine. This combination of muscles provides stability and support of your spine in every activity. Whether you are walking, running, jumping, or sitting at a desk, your core muscles are the foundation for all movement, Simple Health Exercises gives you back your youth power and strength in your body.