Monday 1 March 2010

Powerful New 3-Minute Exercise Improves Memory and Brain Power

An unusual exercise to improve mental health and acuity has been going viral on the internet lately. It was featured in a Los Angeles CBS News report that has an MD, a Yale neurobiologist, an occupational therapist, educators, and parents endorsing it.

It is a simple routine, and it has created positive results for learning disabled and autistic children as well as older Alzheimer's victims.
And it's useful for any kind of brain fog or dullness, even emotional instability. It can improve memory and focus, and it's even made some a little smarter. It seems to work for everyone regardless of mental condition.

Check this link out - How to Do This Simple Exercise

Powerful New 3-Minute Exercise Improves Memory and Brain Power

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Someone out there must be "deadly" at Scrabble.

This has got to be one of the cleverest
E-mails I've received in awhile.
Someone out there
must be "deadly" at Scrabble.
(Wait till you see the last one)!
When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:

:   When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:



When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters:


When you rearrange the letters:




When you rearrange the letters:

Bet your friends haven't seen this one!!!


Thursday 21 January 2010

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Monday 28 December 2009

The Human Brain - Exercise

Your brain is a thinking organ that learns and grows by interacting with the world through perception and action. Mental stimulation improves brain function and actually protects against cognitive decline, as does physical exercise.Physical Exercise Protects Your Brain as it Ages - Statistics

Physical exercise has a protective effect on the brain and its mental processes, and may even help prevent Alzheimer's disease. Based on exercise and health data from nearly 5,000 men and women over 65 years of age, those who exercised were less likely to lose their mental abilities or develop dementia, including Alzheimer's.

Furthermore, the five-year study at the Laval University in Sainte-Foy, Quebec suggests that the more a person exercises the greater the protective benefits for the brain, particularly in women.

Inactive individuals were twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's, compared to those with the highest levels of activity (exercised vigorously at least three times a week). But even light or moderate exercisers cut their risk significantly for Alzheimer's and mental decline  The Human Brain - Exercise

Cognitive behavioural therapy was developed in the 1960s by Aaron Beck. Its main philosophy is that our thoughts and behaviour influence feelings; our mood is determined by the way we think about events, not the events themselves. CBT helps to recognize thinking errors such as ‘all-or-nothing thinking’ or ‘mind-reading’ and helps to construct alternative and more balanced thoughts. It also works on behaviour, by encouraging the client to experiment with trying new, and productive, ways of behaving.

Friday 18 December 2009

Walking for Fitness - Weight Loss - Exercise

Total Body Blast
Need a good total body workout you can complete (with warm up!) in just a half hour? You should be able to fit this one into your busy holiday schedule.

Holiday Family Fitness Tips

The holidays shouldn't be all high-calorie treats and pocketbook-busting gifts. Take a time out to have fun with your family doing something active. Catherine has tips for a fun, active, and less caloric Christmas time.

Some Say Fat Santa Should Walk Instead
Is Santa Claus an unhealthy role model for children? He is overweight, eats cookies, and uses a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer rather than getting around walking or biking. Should Santa change to walking for transport and eat healthier throughout Christmas Eve? Let's have some fun seeing how many calories Old Saint Nick is burning and eating.

Walking for Fitness - Weight Loss - Exercise

Tuesday 10 November 2009

FLEXI-BAR With as little as 30-45 minutes exercise per week

I have a FLEXI-BAR PRO and it is the best piece of fitness equipment I have ever purchased.

Dear New Customer

FREE Introduction Video

Visit Now >

Videos like this are available for purchase from our Download Site

  • Fight Back Pain
  • Relieve Neck Tension
  • Lose Weight
  • Improve posture
  • Strengthen Abdominals
  • Firm & Tone Upper Body
  • Improve Sports Performance
  • Improve Pregnancy Recovery
  • Increase Fitness Level

Flexi-Bar Training Videos

Phillip Skinner

Saturday 31 October 2009

Flexi Bar Fitness Equipment

Flexi Bar Fitness Equipment
By Phillip Skinner

 The reason many off us suffer from poor posture is because the way we sit or stand are amount our strongest bad posture habits should any of your vertebrae begin moving out of alignment because of bad posture and poor habits, you will inevitably begin experiencing pain

We are not designed to spend our day sitting on our bottoms staring at a computer screen or road, or any other activities from our modern life. Our busy lifestyle can also have a bearing on our posture. If we are stressed from having a huge mortgage, long commute to work and an unhappy work life, it will show in our posture.

So what can we do? Give up the modern lifestyle and go and live on an island and live off the land! This might sound like heaven but it is hardly realistic. But seriously there are things we can do. You could join a Pilates or Yoga class if you can afford the time. But until you have good balance you will struggle with these types of classes.

The best option would be to try a vibration therapy technique. It has so many benefits to those young and old and of any fitness level. The actual bar is made from a thin fiberglass pole with weights on both ends. It is very light and easy to hold but you will be surprised at how challenging the workout will be. If you haven't seen any videos of these vibration exercises, I recommend you have a look.

What you do with a vibration bar is shake it. In theory this sounds very easy, but in reality it is not that simple. The hardest part is keeping the bar shaking. Once you get the hang of it you will be amazed as it draws attention to any muscular imbalances you might have. The more often you use the bar the more your core muscles become stronger.

Poor posture and aches and pains in your back and shoulders are due to weakness being present in the deep muscles of the back and abdominals. Also weak core muscles will affect coordination and balance, both of which can be helped the regular use of this new kind of full body training.

The benefits are huge. Back, neck and shoulder aches and pains are eliminated. If you have a slipped disc, sciatica, lumbar pain or frozen shoulder it can help you too. Maybe you are recovering from an injury, if so vibration strength to deep core muscles is a perfect way to speed up your recovery period. Women that have just given birth will want to start getting fit and trim, these kinds of exercises are perfect even for postnatal women.

I believe one of the reasons vibration training to these deep core muscles has become such a success for folks who like to maintain flexibility is because of what it does for you in such a short amount of time. There are now many of us that love spending 2 hours or more working out down a gym to keep fit. A good workout with a vibration bar only takes between 10 and 15 minutes a session and you only need to need to have 2 or 3 sessions a week.

So if you are looking for a great all round exercise aid, then core training is for you. It is light and easy to store and will be a great compliment to anyone's exercise routine. If you don't believe me, get out there and read the reviews for yourself. Or even better still join a class and see what all the fuss is about.

If you want to improve your balance and agility, tone up your figure or just improve you general fitness try this new methodology vibration training, works on the deep core muscles of your back, hips and abdominals due to the vibration caused by shaking a thin fiberglass stick. These deep core muscles are what your back and spine uses to keep your spine upright and strong. As well as increasing muscular strength it will also increase the blood supply to the vertebra tissue which makes it stronger, much more supply and generally a lot healthier.

FLEXI-BAR works all of the muscles of the entire body. The action of shaking the FLEXI-BAR causes a vibration to be passed through the body. This vibration pushes, or stretches the muscles out of their natural alignment.
This misalignment sends an automatic message to the brain, via the nervous system, that the muscles have been stretched. The brain sends a message back to the stretched muscles to "contract" or shorten, in an effort to bring them back to their "centre", or state of equilibrium. As long as you're not standing still, you can rest assured that you're moving []Active Balance Core Dynamic Exercises -- The ABC of Dynamic Exercise Wherever Your Standing Is Where You Start.

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